Acknowledgement Policy
Cell Line Genetics (CLG) does not generally neither requires or requests co-authorship on studies using data generated solely on a fee-for-service basis by our company. However, acknowledgment of our scientific contribution or impact on publications would be greatly appreciated.
Our contribution can be acknowledged in either or both of the following ways:
- In the acknowledgments section of peer-reviewed publications. When CLG personnel have been especially helpful (in study design, data interpretation, or technology selection), and where the author(s) feel that it is warranted, the following sentence should be incorporated. “The authors wish to thank [name of CLG employee(s) and/or director(s)] of Cell Line Genetics ( for assistance with [activities or services performed].“.
- In the body text of peer-reviewed publications (for example, in Methods and Materials or Results sections). When Cell Line Genetics has provided a service, the following language should be used. “[Service] was performed by Cell Line Genetics (“.
We will also be pleased to receive notification when clients publish papers acknowledging Cell Line Genetics.